First, put the guitar down, or step away from the piano for a while. These two instruments are, for certain reasons, are the most common for songwriters to work with when writing new songs.
Second, sit down with a recording device. Any type is fine, but you may want to try using a multi-track recorder so that you can add layers later on. Next, grab a pad of paper, or open a uncomplicated text editor on your computer, in order to catch some of your lyric ideas. Start by trying to come up with new lyrics and melodies, without the aid of an instrument. Many songwriters find this hard at first, especially if you've never done it before, but it 's well worth the time invested. You may even end up looking that you prefer to write without an instrument, once you've experienced how wonderful it can truly be. Many predominant songwriters pick to write songs away from their instrument, because it makes them feel like they're always arrival up with something new. They're not stuck with the "same old chords" they know, or even the "same old rhythms".
The next thing that you may want to try is to sit down with a drum machine. A drum machine, used along with a multi-track recorder can be a great little setup. Just pick a beat that inspires you and start singing with it. You don't have to strive for great lyrics at first since you're just trying to get a stream of ideas. Make undoubtedly sure that you report yourself. You may even come up with that one little nugget that ends up being the catalyst for an entire song.
Another thing you'll want to try is to listen to songs from drastically separate genres, even if they're songs that you undoubtedly don't care for. The main presume for doing this is to pick up on musical ideas that you can then try to formulate into new songs. Try to immerse yourself in a few separate songs and do some active listening. Listen analyze how the chords work with each other, the way the melodies move and the way the lyrics are crafted. Try to come up with songs in that style, or even blending them with your current styles. As an example, just imagine how something jazzy could spark up your country songs (if that is the genre you ordinarily write in, of course).
If the opinion of writing songs away from an instrument just simply doesn't work for you, then you may want experiment with learning a new instrument.
You'll find that many songwriters that play guitar, also play piano and vice-versa, but if you've never tried the other instrument yourself, absolutely take a shot at it! The very least it will is give you is a wholly separate set of patterns to experiment with and you'll soon find yourself breaking out of your songwriting rut.